Vicious Dog Attacks
What To Do When Being Chased By a Vicious Dog
One of the scariest encounters you can have is being chased by a dog. Some dog attacks cannot be avoided. The dog comes out of nowhere and is on top of you before you have time to react. However, some dog attacks can be avoided. The Humane Society of the United States suggests the following actions:
- Resist the impulse to run from the charging dog. If you run, you become “sport.” An Olympic sprinter cannot outrun a dog so don’t even try it. Stand still or maintain a constant slow pace out of the dog’s territory.
- Resist the impulse to scream.
- Avoid eye contact with the dog. If you stare at a dog, it will consider this a sign of aggression on your part.
- If the dog continues to charge at you, get something between you and the dog’s mouth – an umbrella, back pack, jacket, stick, etc.
- If the dog attacks, “feed” him your shoe, jacket, purse, bicycle, or anything available.
- If you are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your ears and remain motionless. Try not to scream or roll around.
How To Avoid A Dog Bite or Dog Attack
The Humane Society of the United States has posted tips on how to avoid being bitten by a dog. The following is suggested:
- Never approach an unfamiliar dog, especially one who is tied or confined behind a fence.
- Never pet a dog without letting him see and sniff you first.
- Don’t disturb a dog while he is sleeping, eating, or chewing on a toy.
- Never approach a dog while she is with her puppies.
- Never turn your back to a dog and run away. A dog’s natural instinct will be to chase and catch you.
- Always be cautious around dogs who do not know you, and always assume that the dog who doesn’t know you may see you as an intruder or a threat to his owner.
Free Consultation – Vicious Dog Attack
Although Gerald Schwartz loves dogs, he aggressively sues irresponsible, negligent dog owners across Northern Virginia for vicious animal attack dog bites to his clients, including dog attacks in Fairfax and Arlington, Virginia. For a free consultation with Gerald Schwartz to learn your rights call 703-823-0055.